
4ocean Captains
and Crew

Episode 2: Imran

Joshua Lee Restauro


4ocean Captains
and Crew

Episode 2: Imran

Joshua Lee Restauro

A born and raised Balinese, 4ocean Bali Manager Imran longs for the fish to return to the sea.

He grew up in a "pure" Bali, with unspoiled nature and a clean ocean. Today, the water smells, his neighborhood is overpopulated, and marine life has retreated into the darkness, away from man's fatal presence.

Imran calls 4ocean his most valuable calling in life. He and his family draw a sense of pride and joy in his role as an environmentalist. Being a part of 4ocean helped him become a more productive member of his community and opened his eyes and heart to the reality of their problems.

Imran and his team have been getting up every day for the last three years to save the world from plastic pollution, starting at home. For them, working at 4ocean is not just about pulling and sorting trash from beaches, oceans, and rivers; it's a teaching moment that urges them to realize and actualize their potential as stewards of the earth.


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