What a Ride! 4ocean's Experience at Surf Expo 2019

What a Ride! 4ocean's Experience at Surf Expo 2019 - 4ocean

4ocean Team |


A couple times a year, vendors and exhibitors for everything "surf" converge on the Orlando County Convention Center in Florida to show off their latest product lines, what they have accomplished during the year, and to get people excited about the future of their companies. It was 4ocean's fourth Surf Expo show and it could not have been a better or more exciting experience for us!  

With so much to look back on in 2018 and so much to look forward to in 2019, there was no shortage of amazing conversation, brainstorming, and energy around the 4ocean booth. All of the hard work that the 4ocean Team puts in day in and day out is validated and acknowledged in a setting like this because of all the incredible feedback we get from our customers and others who see what we are doing to clean up ocean plastic every day. 


4ocean Tradeshow Booth


4ocean Team


4ocean Team


Retailers, media, and other exhibitors were all super stoked to hear about how many pounds we pulled in 2018, all the marine-related causes we supported, our new product offerings for 2019 (stay tuned), and they can't wait to follow the Ocean Plastic Recovery campaign on its mission to pull millions of pounds of plastic and trash before it ever has a chance to make it into the open ocean. 

We were the Official Recycling Partner of Surf Expo, hosted the Industry Party, and had a presence with our message throughout the show on our thought-provoking signage and banners. The support of everyone we spoke with said volumes about that message and the need for an ocean cleanup company like 4ocean right now. 


4ocean Signage


4ocean Industry Party


4ocean Industry Party


4ocean Entrance Floor Sign


4ocean Banner Sign


Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter so you can ride the ocean cleanup wave and keep up with everything we'll be doing in 2019, too. 


4ocean Shop Page - 4ocean Bracelets - Ocean Bracelet