Revolutionizing Beach Cleanups with the Sand Separator
Ihsan, 4ocean Crew Member
The new Sand Separator is helping us make beach cleanups more efficient by removing plastic waste from sand and improving the accuracy of our waste data.
On September 25, 2024, the 4ocean Beach Team gathered at Muncar Beach, armed with a new tool designed to make their cleanup efforts more efficient and impactful: the Sand Separator.
Muncar Beach, known for its stunning views, had unfortunately become a hotspot for plastic waste buried in layers of sand. This waste was not only difficult to clean but also added significant weight, making it hard to recycle and challenging to measure accurately. But with the Sand Separator, a metal barrel with holes powered by a crank handle and chain drive, the team had a game-changing solution.
As the Beach Team—led by Yohan Efendi and captained by Ari Surya Prayoga—set up the Sand Separator, excitement filled the air. Yohan explained to the crew how this simple but effective tool could help them remove sand from plastic waste more efficiently.
By rotating the barrel, the sand would fall back onto the beach, leaving only the lighter plastic waste behind. This not only made the trash easier to transport but also allowed for more accurate measurements of the collected waste, free from organic materials like sand or shell shards.

The Sand Separator turned out to be a crucial asset for the team. In just one day, the Beach Team collected over 2,200 kg of waste, with more than 2,000 kg of that being plastic. Thanks to the Sand Separator, the process of weighing and recycling this waste became more streamlined, allowing the team to focus on what they do best—protecting our oceans.
Yohan reflected on the importance of the Sand Separator, stating, "It’s made the process of separating plastic from sand so much easier. We’re able to get more accurate data and transport the trash faster."
But the Sand Separator wasn’t without its challenges. The machine, though effective, is heavy and requires the strength of multiple crew members to move into position. Despite this, the team adapted quickly, coordinating their efforts to ensure the Sand Separator could be moved and operated efficiently.
Once the machine was in place, the team rotated the crank, watching as sand fell through the holes in the barrel while the remaining plastic waste was collected in large bins.

The impact of the Sand Separator extended beyond just cleaning the beach. It allows our team to gather more accurate data about the types of waste collected, helping us track trends and inform future cleanups. Accurate data is essential for understanding the scope of ocean plastic pollution and finding more effective solutions.
Additionally, separating the sand from the waste ensures that we’re recycling clean, usable plastic, reducing contamination and improving the recycling process.

While the Sand Separator is still a relatively new tool, its effectiveness at Muncar Beach shows great promise for future cleanups. Our team is hopeful that this technology will continue to enhance their ability to remove plastic from beaches while providing vital data for their ongoing mission to end ocean plastic pollution.