
Dare to Save Sharks From Extinction

Joshua Restauro, 4ocean Story Editor

Sharks are one of the oldest life forms on earth. They’ve been here before us and even before trees! These fantastic creatures have stood the test of time, but in the modern day, with the increasing human activities and destruction in the ocean, sharks are now facing the threat of extinction.

These apex predators are often feared by people and are widely misunderstood as a species. There are more or less 10 human deaths related to shark attacks every year. Meanwhile, commercial fisheries kill at least 63 million sharks each year, mainly via shark nets and baited hooks.


Educational programs about sharks are important in raising awareness and encouraging people to fight for their protection. To help save sharks from extinction, we’ve collaborated with one of the most successful organizations working on shark research and conservation.

The Guy Harvey Foundation, created by artist and marine biologist, Guy Harvey, works with the Oceanographic Center at Nova Southeastern University and other scientific institutions to establish shark sanctuaries and study their migration patterns, behaviors, and collect other valuable data for the improvement of fisheries management.

167 shark species are now considered threatened or endangered, and their whole population has declined by 50% in recent decades. Sharks are vital in maintaining the balance of the oceanic food chain. They ensure a healthy diversity underwater and play a role in the survival of coral reefs and seagrass habitats.


Guy Harvey Mako Shark Impact T-Shirt

By purchasing this product, you will remove 5 pounds of trash from the world’s oceans, rivers, and coastlines


4ocean’s partnership with the Guy Harvey Foundation offers a fresh way for people from all over the world to take part in the conservation of shark populations and the ocean. By launching our Guy Harvey Tees and Braided Shark Bracelet, people who are passionate for the ocean can contribute to the protection of sharks.


With every purchase of our Guy Harvey apparel and bracelet, 5 pounds of trash will be removed from the ocean and a portion of the sales will be donated to fund the satellite tagging and tracking research of sharks.

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To date, the foundation has tagged 500 sharks which can be monitored online. Without efforts to understand the movements and habitat utilization of sharks, we would not be able to effectively implement policies that will help their population recover.

The Guy Harvey Foundation has also published a total of 171 papers on ocean research and conducted 207 expeditions where the public could learn about marine ecosystems from leading scientists and participate in sustainable fishing.

The long term goal is to end shark culling and shark finning, and to improve commercial fishing practices for the health of marine life. Dare to make a change and support shark conservation with your purchase!


Guy Harvey Pelagic Shark Cruiser T-Shirt

By purchasing this product, you will remove 5 pounds of trash from the world’s oceans, rivers, and coastlines