Meet Our Partner: Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation Tagging Whale Sharks

Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation and 4ocean Team Up to Tag Whale Sharks

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There are few people in the world who possess the breadth and depth of knowledge about the ocean environment that Dr. Guy Harvey does. By combining his unique talents of art and science, he's able to take the everyday person to places that most will never visit. In this case, it is to the dorsal fin of the largest fish in the sea –– the whale shark.  

About this time every year, these animals congregate in the waters off of Isla Mujeres, Mexico. It's the perfect opportunity to study, tag, and monitor these creatures so that we can begin to better understand their pelagic lives. 4ocean, in partnership with the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation, is part of a very unique expedition to attach satellite tags to whale sharks so that their movements and behaviors can be analyzed, which will hopefully give us a better understanding of their migratory patterns and way of life. Look at the size of these fish! How can you not want to know more about them? 



These satellite tags, once attached, will add to an ongoing data set that is only being just understood. Check out this website to track the whale sharks that are sending back information on an almost daily basis. 


4ocean and Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation Tracking Whale Sharks


 4ocean and Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation Tracking Whale Sharks


When you purchase a 4ocean Whale Shark Bracelet, you'll help us raise awareness about the endangered whale shark and the importance of the research happening at the Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation. As we make scientific advancements that help us understand this species, we can do more to protect them for generations to come.  

Have you ever seen a whale shark? Let us know in the comments below. To get in on the conversation, head over to our Discover 4ocean Facebook Group. Also, make sure to follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter to stay up to date on all things 4ocean.


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