5 Must-Watch Videos If You Want to Understand Plastic Pollution

5 Must-Watch Videos If You Want to Understand Plastic Pollution - 4ocean

4ocean Team |

One of the biggest barriers to taking action on plastic pollution is basic awareness of the issue. So today, we’ve pulled together a few of our favorite videos from around the web so you can show friends and family members why you became a member of the clean ocean movement and encourage them to join us.

1. Plastic Pollution: How Humans Are Turning the World into Plastic

Modern life would be impossible without plastic – but we have long since lost control over our invention. Why has plastic turned into a problem and what do we know about its dangers? This video, created in collaboration with UN Environment and their #CleanSeas campaign, explains.

2.We Need a Circular Economy for Plastic

Breaking the Plastic Wave is a report introduced in July 2020 by The Pew Charitable Trusts and SYSTEMIQ which shows that by 2040, if we fail to act, the volume of plastic on the market will double, the annual volume of plastic entering the ocean will almost triple, and ocean plastic stocks will quadruple.

3. Open Your Eyes | Plastic Pollution Coalition

Plastic is a substance the Earth cannot digest. Worldwide reliance on disposable plastic packaging and utensils is poisoning our bodies, killing wildlife, and overwhelming our planet. Single-use plastic deepens our dependence on fossil fuels, contributing to climate change and further harming our most at-risk communities. Actor Jeff Bridges narrates.

4. The Story of Microfibers

Most of us wear synthetic fabrics like polyester every day. Our dress shirts, yoga pants, fleeces, and even underwear are all increasingly made of synthetic materials -- plastic, in fact. But these synthetic fabrics, from which 60% of all clothing on earth is made, have a big hidden problem: when they’re washed, they release tiny plastic bits -- called microfibers -- that flow down our drains, through water treatment plants, and out into our rivers, lakes and oceans by the billions.

If you love this video, you’ll want to watch the original Story of Stuff and, if you’re anything like us, you’ll probably breeze through the entire series!

5. Sir David Attenborough’s Plastic Message | BBC


Sir David Attenborough's haunting and hopeful message on plastic pollution in our oceans after filming the documentary series, Blue Planet II.<

Share your favorite videos with us!

We’d love  to see the videos  that touch your heart and inspire you to act, so share your favorites in the comments! Then head over to the 4ocean shop where every product purchased pulls one pound of trash from the ocean and supports a growing movement to end the world’s reliance on single-use plastic.