Meet Salt and Pepper: Our Humpback Whale Adoptions

Meet Salt and Pepper: Our Humpback Whale Adoptions - 4ocean

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Salt is a female humpback whale and was one of the very first individuals to be identified as a unique whale in 1976 due to her unusually white fin and incredible size. She is a mother to 13 calves, a grandmother to 11, and even a great-grandmother of one more! Salt has earned the respect of whales, whale watchers, and researchers alike. She has helped whale researchers not only at the Whale & Dolphin Conservation, but all over the world, learn more about the migration, calving rates, and behavior of her species. To this day, Salt has remained one of the most distinguished and photographed humpback whales in the world.


4ocean Whale Adoption - Salt



Like Salt, Pepper was also first identified in 1976 and it was her contact companionship with Salt that she earned her name. Her loyalty goes beyond her friendship with Salt. She has had 11 calves and kept one of her calves by her side for a whole extra year. She has also been seen accompanying a new mother and calf, providing some support from her experiences with her own calves. In 2009, something tragic happened. Pepper become entangled in fishing gear. Unfortunately, this is something that happens all too often not only with whales but with all marine life. Thankfully, she managed to free herself of the gear and has been swimming around with her family and friends ever since.


4ocean Whale Adoption - Pepper





If you would like to donate to the WDC or adopt a Humpback Whale or Orca of your own, you can visit:


Also, check out our other adoptions, Una the Manatee and Kilo the Hawaiian Monk Seal.


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