August 23, 2023
The Rio Motagua Rises 10 Feet Overnight, Carries Boom System Downstream
August 22, 2023
The Rio Motagua Rises 10 Feet Overnight, Carries Boom System Downstream
The Rio Motagua? More like the Raging Motagua! Discover how this mighty river messed with our containment boom system—and what we’re doing to fix it!
This past month, we learned that the Rio Motagua—one of the most polluted rivers in the world and the location of a new boom system that was installed with some help from our friends @Corona—is capable of changing its flow pattern at a truly mind-boggling pace.
On July 30, our Boom Cleanup Team in Guatemala conducted a normal cleanup at the site of the boom, bringing the total amount of trash removed since installation to an amazing 41,500 pounds.
The next day, the crew returned expecting a normal cleanup only to discover that the water level had risen over 10 feet in less than 24 hours!
Now, the Rio Motagua is always strong, but it can become an absolute rager during the rainy season. Ultimately, the rapid change in water level caused some of the boom system’s anchoring lines to break, and the boom floated downriver.
We’re happy to report that no crew members were injured during this event and all sections of the boom were safely and quickly recovered.
Now that we’ve seen what the Rio Motagua can really do, we’re working with our engineers to upgrade the anchoring lines to heavy-duty chain while we wait for the water to drop to a safe working level. At that time, the boom will be reinstalled and the cleanup will continue.
In the meantime, the boom team has been diverted to the coastline surrounding the mouth of the Rio Motagua where plastic from the river tends to accumulate.

There is no playbook for cleaning the ocean and every day is an adventure! This is the first real hiccup we’ve had since we began testing this equipment, making it our most successful test to date.
We’ve already stopped tens of thousands of pounds of trash from entering the ocean, employed additional captains and crews from the local community, and learned just how difficult cleaning the environment can be—and we’re only getting started.
The crew wanted to send a huge thank you for your continued support as we do everything in our power to clean the ocean, rivers, and coastlines in Guatemala and beyond.

Josh Liberman
Clean Ocean Warrior + Sr. Video Producer
Clean Ocean Warrior +
Sr. Video Producer
March 18, 2023

Corona x 4ocean River of Change Bracelet
By purchasing this limited edition bracelet, you will pull 5 pounds of trash from the Rio Motagua and surrounding coastlines.
Shop Now — Pull a Pound
Corona x 4ocean River of Change Bracelet
By purchasing this limited edition bracelet, you will pull 5 pounds of trash from the Rio Motagua and surrounding coastlines.
Shop Now — Pull a PoundStay up to date
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