We hit our Blue Friday goal and it’s all thanks to YOU!

We asked you to help us shine a light on plastic pollution this holiday season and promised to match every single pound of trash you pulled during our Black Friday Sales Event.

Now the results are in and you absolutely smashed our goal of 10,000 pounds pulled!

Together with our promise to match every pound pulled, we’ve pulled 20,000 pounds of trash from our oceans, rivers, and coastlines and officially turned Black Friday into Blue Friday!

Thank you for helping us reach this incredible goal and for everything you do to keep our mission alive. The work we do simply wouldn’t be possible without you.

  • 1. Give simpler

    Unwanted and unneeded gifts only add to the exponential amount of trash we produce during the holidays—about 25 million tons of it to be exact! 

    Cut down on the waste by investing in one or two quality gifts they really want instead of buying lots of little items they may not want or need. 

    Digital gift cards (and ones made from recyclable paper) are also a great option that will help reduce waste during the holidays!

    Grab a gift card 
  • 2. Give cleaner

    Gift an experience instead of something physical; the memories you create together will be a gift they treasure forever.

    Consider taking a class together—painting, dancing, cooking, scuba diving, there’s a class for almost every interest! 

    Or, depending where you live, you can even plan a special hike, book a sunset cruise, or work with a local ecotourism company to get out there and enjoy nature together.

  • 3. Give green

    If you’ve already found the perfect gift, wrap it sustainably using recyclable materials like brown paper bags, beeswax, or recycled craft paper and decorate them with your own holiday-themed artwork. 

    Or try wrapping with festive fabrics, twine, and cloth ribbon that can be reused year after year. Unlike traditional bows and ribbons, natural materials like flowers and twigs add holiday flair without using any plastic. 

    Over the years, you’ll become just as sentimental and nostalgic about your gift wrap as you are about the rest of your holiday decorations.

    Shop our wrapping swaps 
  • 4. Give again

    Antique shops, thrift stores, and yard sales are all treasure troves for unique, unusual, and nostalgic gifts. By gifting vintage, restored, and gently-loved items, you’ll also help to reduce demand for brand new products and all the unnecessary plastic packaging that comes with them.

  • 5. Become a more ocean-minded shopper

    Research the companies you plan to buy from ahead of time and choose sustainable brands that are mindful of their environmental impact. Look for companies who are working to advance the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. 

    Avoid companies that package items with bubble wrap and plastic poly bags. Opt out of pre-wrapped gift options unless you know that they’ll wrap items in reusable or sustainable materials.

  • 6. Shop early, ship slowly

    Have you ever ordered something small only to have it delivered in a large box filled with the air-pillow equivalent of a CVS receipt? 

    Shipping options that get packages to your door faster require less efficient shipping methods that put more diesel trucks on the road—and more plastic in your packaging. 

    While 2-day shipping sounds convenient, the extra plastic and carbon emissions have a greater environmental cost. 

    Slower shipping options are always greener shipping options, so don’t wait ‘til the last minute to order gifts if you can avoid it.

  • 7. One-stop shopping

    Do your best to consolidate your purchases into as few orders or trips as possible. 

    Ordering more items from a single brand minimizes packaging and shipping-related carbon emissions. 

    Walking between stores in shopping centers and malls instead of driving to different stand-alone locations can also help reduce your carbon footprint. 

    Bring your own reusable bags when you shop to reduce your consumption of single-use shopping bags.

    Grab our newest Market Bag