Go plastic neutral
Did you know the average person consumes nine pounds of single-use plastic every month? While it’s easy to say, “Wow! That’s a lot. Why aren’t they doing more to avoid it?”, the truth is that plastic has become such an intrinsic part of our lives that it can be difficult to avoid no matter how hard we try.
Now, the real solution to the ocean plastic crisis is for businesses to transition to a circular economy where waste is designed out of the product life cycle and products, or their material components, are easily recycled, repaired, or regenerated. That’s why we introduced our Corporate Partnerships Program, after all, but that kind of large-scale change takes time to produce results.
So, the question remained: What can people do about the plastic they can’t avoid using right now?
And that’s where our Plastic Offset Program comes in.
This program is an interim solution that allows you to balance out the impact of the plastics you can’t avoid using by removing an equivalent amount of trash from the world’s oceans, rivers, and coastlines each month.
Subscribe today to help restore our oceans and create living-wage jobs for people whose lives and livelihoods are directly impacted by plastic pollution.